Monday, November 10, 2008

The Blanket and the Egg

But there's more to it than that.

We paid a visit to aunt Kathryn and uncle Nick's and fancy that: They gave me a homemade blanket with my name on it as a present :-) !!! I couldn't believe it ... they are so nice. I thanked Kath and tested the blanket immediately. Unfortunately, Nick was out, but I asked Kath to let him know how happy I was.

And then another strange thing happened. Kath and my people started watching TV. I do know what that is because sometimes my people keep watching TV though I'm bored. But I found out that I can force them to pay attention to me by standing just in front of the screen. Cool, isn't it?

Anyway. Apparently, the people we were watching were athletes ... and they were behaving like playing dogs!? All the time chasing and attacking each other! Now I am at a loss why my people tell me off sometimes when I behave like that. It seems to be perfectly alright.

The odd thing was that the so called rugby players were using an egg to score (South Africa did that 20 times, Wales unfortunately only 15 times - Nick who was watching the match in the stadium wasn't pleased at all). I would have eaten the egg instead and used a ball to play with. I demand an explanation!

It was a busy, but very exciting Saturday. I think it's time for a nice nap on my blanket now. Take care!

1 comment:

  1. Hallo mein Kleiner Sohn, schön dass Dich alle so verwöhnen (Deine neue Decke mit Namen ist klasse!) und immer so tolle Ausflüge mit Dir machen. Wir freuen uns, alle Deine Abenteuer "hautnah" miterleben zu dürfen und sind natürlich ständige Besucher Deines Blogs. Ganz nebenbei erfahren wir ganz viel Wissenswertes von Deiner neuen Heimat - toll!!! Schön dass es Dir dort so gut gefällt.
    Liebe Grüße
    Deine Mama Anjoo, Deine Schwester Belia und der Rest
